Welcome to Digital Video at Richland College!

This blog will be where you will post your responses to some readings. Keep an eye on the syllabus and listen for prompts in class to read certain articles (posted to eCampus) and post your responses here as a new post (not in the comments of this post). These articles are provided to get us thinking about different aspects of working with images and to help us along the way. Think of this as a place to record your thoughts and share with one another before we discuss the articles in class.

Looking forward to a great summer term with you all!


  1. The exert from "In the Blink of an Eye" by Walter Murch was filled with things that surprised me. Firstly, the 1,250,000 feet of film absolutely blew my mind, I had no idea that movies would come even close to a million feet of film. I've never seen "Apocalypse Now" so I am not quite sure how the final product ended up. I would like to watch the movie now after learning about how much time and effort was spent editing. The editing process of this movie helped me understand more about cutting shots, because the majority of it is not actually cutting the shot, but instead deciding where to cut. Also, the shadow splices was interesting because it meant that for every cut they had changed their mind about it 15 times. The whole process shows the flexibility of editing and how a story can be made many ways depending on the editor. I had a few takeaways from this. First, that I am very glad we get to use technology to edit and save time. And second, that proper planning and storyboarding can help ease the editing process.


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