
Showing posts from April, 2019

Final Project

Group members: Kiet Ngo Who are they? Streamer What do they want? Promote their channel How are they going to do it? Streaming daily, posting clips on twitter and Instagram Then what? Hopefully becoming a successful streamer and possibly go pro.


In this Hito Steryl reading, they talked about how cinema has changed overtime. First it was a hobby but now it's jobs for people. It takes the art of the picture because now people can't freely do whatever they want with the subject anymore cuz' it's like labor. Thanks to imperfect cinema, it can use any genre and people can think of it as whatever they want.

Methods of Montage

I really like how they were saying that montages make the subject more interesting and well-paced for the audience. But it was really strange to me how they use a lot of big words/vocabs. to describe montage. It was quite confusing for me at first to see how they describe montage in such a weird way. Montages help distinguishes many different things like youtube channels and people's gameplays. Some like to play with styles and some play for the wins.

Hollywood Questions

Who are they? The main character is a superhero that has the abilities of flight, super speed, yoyo, and super strength. What do they want? The superhero wants to save the hostages. How do they get it? He fights the bad guy and wins, then makes him eat a Snickers bar and he turns into a nice person because you are not you when you're hungry. Then what? The good guy and bad guy are related and the hostages are safe. -Josiah Phillips, Yissel Cornelio, Ashley Adams, Osadebamwen Omoruyi Chris Hernandez

Final Project

Final Project Group Members: Justin Fassig Who are they? A salesman What do they want? To promote their products How are they going to do it? Asking focus groups what they think of their product. Then what? Hopefully, they sell their product to millions upon millions but that probably won't happen.

Hito Steryl

In this reading Hito Steryl talks about how imperfect cinema overcome divisions of labor within class society. Imperfect cinema merges art with life and science what ever that fits the audience. I believe that this could be the best way to get art out there even if it is experimental or contemporary. It's what ever the audience interpret it to be or what it will become. This is distributed all around the world and but never mean the same thing. In the end its about reality. Imperfect cinema shows the capturing reality without any filters or changes.